Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cheap Golf Vacation Packages

If you're a serious golfer, you've probably spent some time wondering what it might be like to play at some of the world's top courses. You've also probably wondered what it would be like to play gold in a tropical paradise, with luxury accommodations to enjoy when you get off the course.

Or maybe you're a golf history buff, and want to get back to the games roots by playing some of the originally courses in Scotland or Ireland. Any way you look at it, you can have an awesome time with a golfing vacation if you really love the game.

Like most leisure pursuits, golf has a wide variety of vacation packages available to choose from. If you're looking for a cheap golfing vacation, you'll probably want to stay within the US. These sorts of packages typically take to you world class courses in Arizona, California, and Florida. This makes them a perfect get away for those who live in cold winter climates.

Your typical golf vacation package deal includes a given number of nights at the local resort and a certain number of rounds of golf, typically including a cart. Booking a golf vacation this way is very convenient, since you can get everything you need at once while also saving money in the process.

If you want to do an international golf vacation, you'll have to plan ahead a little more. Obviously, you'll need to make sure that you have a passport before you set out to leave the country. Popular golf destinations like Scotland and Ireland don't require an advanced visa at the moment if you're an American traveler. However, be sure to check just in case things change.

International golf tours will often take you around the country, giving you a chance to play multiple courses throughout your stay. They will also include lodging and green fees, of course. For someone who is really serious about getting back to the roots of golf, a Scotland golf trip can be a great way to go, but other international destinations also have a lot to offer.

So, I hope this gives you some idea of what you can expect to experience with a golf vacation. These aren't the cheapest vacations out there, but for a golfing fanatic, they might just be one of the best options you can get.

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